El Berro es un punto de aproximación habitual a Leiva y otras montañas de Espuña. Junto al pueblo se encuentra la pared del Lavaor, con 27 vías equipadas en placas y desplomes. Se accede fácilmente desde la localidad siguiendo la señalización del GR-252, tardándose tan solo 5 minutos hasta el pie de vía por un camino cementado.
El Berro is a common approaching point to Leiva and other mountains in Espuña. La Pared del Lavaor is close to the village; it has 27 bolted routes on plates and overhangs. It is eassily reached from the village following the signals of path GR-252, it takes only 5 minutes to the deck through a cement lane.
El Berro is a common approaching point to Leiva and other mountains in Espuña. La Pared del Lavaor is close to the village; it has 27 bolted routes on plates and overhangs. It is eassily reached from the village following the signals of path GR-252, it takes only 5 minutes to the deck through a cement lane.